So 2020 is upon us and we are already looking forward to hosting the North Cheshire Challenges at our Civic Hall, Poynton venue. These two major inter-club competitions take place during the week of our Annual Exhibition in March, as usual. We are delighted to have secured the services of Phil & Gwen Charnock, both FRPS MFIAP, who will be with us on the Wednesday to judge the prints, and who will join us again on the Thursday for the DPI knock-out competition.
Entry forms and full details of the requirements for each competition will be dispatched to all our existing contacts by the end of February with a hand-in deadline set at Saturday 7th March.
Note: these events are open to ALL clubs so please contact us if you think your club may wish to be included this year.
Regular visitors will be aware that Poynton’s Civic Hall has its own large free car park – entrance alongside the Waitrose Supermarket on Park Lane. Doors to the main hall are open from 7.00pm.
We can comfortably accommodate 200+ visitors but early arrivals reserve the best seats and make time to peruse North Cheshire’s illuminated displays of exhibition prints and DPIs on show around the hall.
The competitions commence at 8.00pm prompt. We expect to run both events with our usual super-efficiency, employing a unique scoring and display system that also enables us to provide a full print-out of results on the night to each club’s representative.
The usual refreshments and raffle take place during an interval adding to the great social atmosphere always enjoyed by a good crowd of like-minded club photographers and friends – and that, plus of course the anticipation of scoring well with your pictures, is what it’s all about!