Great to see a three-figure attendance of enthusiastic supporters present on both competition nights at Poynton again. We hope you enjoyed viewing North Cheshire’s display of prints and the TV presentation of our DPIs, as well as witnessing the usual surfeit of great competition images submitted to these NORTH CHESHIRE CHALLENGES by the leading photo clubs and societies from throughout the region.
Our judges this year, Gwen & Phil Charnock, did a great job. This year’s slightly fewer entries proved to be a bonus, meaning that both had the opportunity to enlighten the audience with their detailed comments on each image, all confidently delivered with the knowledgeable insights that we expect from these very experienced judges.
Following the official opening of our exhibition and the kind sentiments expressed by L&CPU President Mr Garth Tighe on the Wednesday, Gwen got stuck into the prints, 5 from each of 14 clubs, marking out of 19 before choosing an overall winner that scored the maximum 20. Phil took over for Thursday’s Knock-out DPI competition, expertly eliminating some 90 images, 5 from each of 18 clubs, round by round until an overall winner remained. (Full results from both competitions have been e-mailed to all participating clubs and will shortly appear on these pages).
The usual refreshments and ever-popular raffle were taken half way through the evenings, and following the presentation of the hard-won trophies, a full print-out of results was available for collection at the end of proceedings.
Thanks again to all officers responsible for collating and submitting their club entries. All we’re received in the correct format and in good time which facilitates the smooth running of the events on the night. We hope that the efficiency and friendly atmosphere that we do our best to engender on these special occasions will encourage all to participate again next year – and over many years to come.
In 2018 our annual exhibition will again take place during the fourth week in March. The inter-club competition dates for your diary are:
WEDNESDAY, 21st MARCH for prints, and THURSDAY, 22nd MARCH for the DPI knock-out battle.
We look forward to welcoming to Poynton Civic Hall another “full-house” in 2018.
Tony Redford