It’s very encouraging to see that the enthusiasm and support for both Print competition (Wednesday) and the DPI Knock-out (Thursday) is maintained, with the number of clubs entering, and the attendances on the nights comparing favourably with previous years. The quality of the entries and the accuracy, in terms of size and colour space as they are received, gets better all the time. The diligence in meeting our deadlines by you hard-working competition secretaries helps us collate the entries accurately meaning we can start the proceedings bang on time and perform an error-free transition right the way through to the results announcements and print-outs for every club at the end. From the many kind complements received from those attending it is clear that the smooth running of these events is really appreciated. And we like to think that the displays of our own exhibition images around the hall provides the extra interest and atmosphere that will attract big audiences back in the years to come.
Of course much of the enjoyment on the night is down to our judges and we benefited this year from the wit and knowledge of both Peter Gennard on Wednesday and Richard Speirs on Thursday. Both did us proud with their own style of judging and commentary with the winning club, Chorley PS on both occasions, being particularly impressed by their great perception of what constitutes a winning image. Full results can be found by clicking the buttons above. If your club didn’t hit the heights this time we hope that at least you picked up a decent raffle prize.
Our thanks to all the clubs who entered and particularly to those able to get over to the Civic Hall in Poynton to support the events. We hope to see another full house next year – same venue but a week later than this year.
The precise dates are: Wednesday, 22nd March and Thursday 23rd March 2017.
Why not put them in your diaries and on your syllabus NOW so that you don’t get double booked.
TONY REDFORD (inter-club competitions co-ordination)